The DWtO team made a fun night of narrowing down the submissions to a shortlist of 5 videos. After watching all the entries, we feasted on potluck fare - strawberry quinoa salad, salmon, and fresh local greens. Angela brought dessert, a yummy flourless chocolate cake - recipe
here. After dins we returned to the screening room to debate which videos to send to the jurors - it got pretty intense but we did it! All together it was a great night with lots of laughter and satisfaction. Watch all five finalists' videos at
A big thanks/merci beaucoup goes to our Canadian Federal MP judges:
Carolyn Bennett (Lib) Elizabeth May (Green) Maria Mourani (Bloc) Denise Savoie (NDP)
Wai Young (Conservative) We handed them a tough task - but then again, they are Lady Politicians - they can handle anything!
From Sandy's Desk...

Congrats to 13-year-old Rebecca Hansen who, after learning about the contest via CBC Radio’s
All Points West with host Jo-Ann Roberts, gathered her thoughts, taught herself how to create a Youtube video, and submitted her entry without help. Rebecca and the many promising young women out there just need support to blossom into the leaders of the future!
The contest submissions were stunning – we did not know what to expect and quickly learned first-hand about the vast and powerful reach of social media. We were deeply moved by the international mix of video entries and are now left hungry for more communication with these countries. The jury learned that the message of inequality is remarkably similar worldwide and unequivocally conclude that there is a huge need to have this conversation.
Dancing with the Octopus is happy to be a conduit to making the change so women everywhere can have an equal voice.