Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)


March 2104 Newsletter

Dancing with the Octopus

We’re launching:
The Dancing Backwards 
French Immersion
Pilot Program!

Finally, Grade 5's are meeting Dancing Backwards! We hear they are a wonderful age to introduce the idea of equality, politics, and leadership.
Thanks to so many, starting with Sir James Douglas’ teachers: Darlana Bartle (Fr) and Bill Thistle and Jason Gammon (Eng).  Our newly minted, eight-part program begins in both English and French, right after Spring Break and the DB Team – presenters, coaches, video crew – are poised for action. 

A very special welcome to our new French Team – Renée Livernoche  and Ellie Dion, who join our English coaches: Jessica Van Der Veen (live storytelling) and Judith Price (digital storytelling)!

  Renée says,
     “Grâce à la Danse a Reculons, nos jeunes apprennent le respect de l'égalité entre homme et femme. Ils ont l’occasion d’explorer et enseigner les uns aux autres en menant une étude historique sur les
femmes politiciennes Canadiennes comme un complément nécessaire à la compréhension de l'histoire des hommes politiciens Canadiens. Puisqu'ils travaillent dans un ensemble, ils apprennent à pratiquer la démocratie dans le vrai sens du mot.” 

"Thanks to DB, our youth learn respect for equality. They have the opportunity to explore and teach each other through a historical research of Canadian women politicians as a necessary compliment to learning about the history of Canadian men politicians. Consequently, these young people work as an ensemble and thus practice the true meaning of democracy.”

 Ellie says:
 “Building community and citizenship as well as enriching the use of medias are some of the best ways to give youth a voice = Dancing Backwards.
“Construire un esprit de communauté et citoyenneté ainsi qu’enrichir l’utilisation des médias sont quelques-unes des meilleures façons de donner une voix aux jeunes, j’ai hâte d’accomplir cela avec Dancing Backwards.”



Let's hear the sound of two hands clapping

Congrats to Iliana Turner, French Immersion grad and DB Team member for opening doors and taking leadership. 
Fingers crossed for Grades 8 and 10 at Vic High and École Victor-Brodeur in the fall!

FYI, Iliana plans to be Prime Minister one day – we’re cheering her on!

Huge DWtO thanks to:

Johanna Lee for using her education background and skill in writing the DB Curriculum, Curriculum Advisor, Monica Prendergast for her leadership and knowledge of Drama Education,
Véronique Herry-Saint-Onge for translating our materials into French,
Kate Grace Frieson for her ongoing guidance and expertise and for creating many documents for this program, 
Kathy Santini, Kate Grace Frieson, Leanne Allen and Sadie Evans for researching and  compiling the biographies of the women politicians we’re putting into the history books!
And of course to DWtO Video Contest Winner, Rebecca Hansen, who helps put this newsletter together.


What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, 8-tentacled, non-partisan media project that promotes gender equality in politcs, inspires girls and women to become leaders and encourages them to step up to politics with men as their partners.

International Women's day 

How are you celebrating International Women’s Day March 8, 2014? Let us know by posting on our Facebook Page – Dancing with the Octopus

This month's blog

Rita Fromholt, Sustainability Coordinator at the Office of Campus Planning & Sustainability
(University of Victoria), questions the relationship between Activism and Voting. Read here
Kathy Corrigan, MLA ( left) and Speaker Linda Reid (right)

Equal Voice
at the BC Legislature

On Wednesday March 5th, organization Equal Voice paid a visit to the Legislature in Victoria to celebrate women politicians.  BC's  EV Chair, Carolyn Jack also hinted that Victoria might soon get an Equal Voice chapter of its own! They had a lovely light lunch for offer and carnation corsages for the MLA's. Kathy Corrigan said how meaningful it was to be officially thanked for all of their hard work!  Nice moment.