Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)


April Newsletter 2012


Dancing with the Octopus


Last Chance to Enter and Win $500

in our first International

Video Contest

New deadline: April 15th

Okay folks, you asked for it, you got it! To keep the conversations going about women in politics, we're extending the deadline of our video contest to April 15th. We've had interest and views from South Africa, Chile, India, New Zealand, the UK, and more, and we can't wait for all these perspectives to join our dialogue. If you need a refresher or you're just getting on the bandwagon, check out our promo video and our website for contest details.

From Sandy's desk...

A busy, wonderful March - besides all the video contest press, I did a short film shoot with Elizabeth May at her home - life as an Ottawa MP 11 months later.   From Sandy's Desk...I'm pumped from a fabulous community filmmaker workshop on digital media, facilitated by NFB's Tracey Friesen and Sue Biely (Nudge Consulting) - a dynamite team!   BTW, sure could use more help developing project tentacles - consider this an open invite to lend time, donate money, or hey, how about both! Contact us for more ways to be part of the action.
Thanks. See you next month!
Times Colonist article

Did you catch us in the TC...

Victoria and Vancouver Island's daily newspaper ran a story about DWtO and our video contest. You can read the full article here.
Vancouver Island University

VIU Report Card

The Live Presentation Tentacle launched March 22 with Sandy's visit to a Women's Studies class at VIU in Nanaimo.  Students gave Sandy an A+ for sharing comedic and heart-wrenching stories and provocative video clips from her interviews with Canadian women politicians.  The session raised questions, inspired conversation and octo-ball juggling and encouraged engagement with the political process. Thanks to Prof. Marian Van Der Zon for the opp. Contact us to invite Sandy to speak to your class.
Monday Magazine article

...or Monday Mag?

Sandy, Angela, Monika, and Hannah met with Danielle Pope at Monday Magazine to talk about the video contest, women in politics, and other upcoming DWtO projects. Read the article here!
On The Radio

On the Airwaves

Dancing with the Octopus' resident early-bird was interviewed on CFAX 1070, as well as on CBC's All Points West and CHLY 101.7FM's Be The Media. If you couldn't make it to a radio, the All Points West and Be The Media audio files are available online.

What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, 8-tentacled media project that takes a non-partisan look at the how's and why's of getting more women into politics in Canada and abroad.
Shaw TV's The Daily

The Daily

Sandy and Angela appeared on Shaw TV's The Daily, to talk about women in politics and get the word out about our video competition. Click here to watch the spot.
Angela on The Daily
Sarah at The Daily shoot
Sandy on The Daily
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to donate or volunteer your talents!