Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)


Debut Newsletter


Dancing with the Octopus

Welcome to DWtO's Newsletter #1

Announcing Our First International

Video Contest

What would it look like if your government was 75% women?

Enter to win $500!

(deadline March 31, 2012)
You've spoken with your ballot, but now we want your voice to help start a conversation about a world with more women politicians.

Click here to watch our promo video.

Tell a story, draw a picture, write a skit, just keep it under two minutes. The top 5 videos will be judged by a panel of lady politicians from four of Canada's federal parties.
For Details on How to Enter, visit www.dancingwiththeoctopus.com.
Tweet with hashtag #LadyPoliVids.


From Sandy's desk...

Little did I suspect, when I conceived Dancing with the Octopus as a TV documentary at May Street Productions, that it would bloom 3 years later into this 8-tentacled, multi-media monster of a project. We’re becoming a portal for conversation about women in politics for women and men of all ages – a dream come true!
From the get-go this has been a collaborative effort. With the generous help of many talented colleagues in the Victoria film community and ETC Society, it's been non-stop action.  I’ve flown to Ottawa 3 times to interview women MPs and senators from all parties, attended the Vancouver Women's Campaign School, produced two comedic webisodes (posted on the Webisode Page of website), and followed women candidates campaigning on trains, 'Burma shaving' on street corners and canvassing door to door. I’ve shared my experiences and film clips with Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies students at Simon Fraser University and will be a guest teacher at Vancouver Island University. Had a wonderful evening sitting on the panel that followed the UVIC screening of the controversial documentary Miss Representation - after which several young men and women approached me to become DWTO interns. Their smarts and enthusiasm have led to this awesome newsletter and video contest - fun beyond words and hopefully another small ground shift towards change in our political culture.
Want to volunteer? Get in touch if you have an idea you'd like to explore with us.
Thanks to all for your dedication and hard work.
Sandy Mayzell

Sandy's Speaking at VIU!

Sandy's leading a
Women's Studies class at
 Vancouver Island University on March 22/12.
To invite Sandy or the Team to your class or event, contact us
Got some news about a women in politics happening?
email us
! It could be included in the April newsletter.

What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, 8-tentacled media project that takes a non-partisan look at the how's and why's of getting more women into politics in Canada and abroad.

Intern Team

This month, three University of Victoria students joined DWtO as interns!
Sarah, Monika, and Hannah, join Sandy and Angela at DWtO.
They're hard at work, but Pipsqueak makes sure that there are plenty of breaks for belly rubs and play. Also, Vancouver intern Sandi Chan took the ferry out to beautiful Victoria to lend a hand.

To get involved with the intern team, email Sandy here.

Thanks, Ahem!

Angela Hemming, of Ahem Productions, has been working hard with Sandy this year to help DWtO progress to the next level. She shot and edited the Video Contest Announcement video, and has been helping out with project management, social media and consulting.
Copyright © 2012 Dancing with the Octopus, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you attended an Octopus event on women in politics, or signed up on social media to receive updates related to Dancing with the Octopus.
Contact us
to donate or volunteer your talents!


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