Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)


May Newsletter - 11 Days Left


Your Lady Politician info for the month of May:
Last chance to help support the
Dancing Backwards
Indiegogo Campaign!
visit our website
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Dancing with the Octopus


Only 11 Days Left
to Support  
Dancing Backwards!

Happy May, DWtO Newsletter Subscribers! With the sun shining down on us in here in Victoria, we are giddy with how well Dancing Backwards is being received, and how wide the word is spreading!

Here's what's some of the Grade 8 pilot students had to say about their experience:

"...it made me think about how I could change Canada if I become a politician or even Prime Minister..." Marran

"The Dancing Backwards project has impacted my life and my learning by informing me about the imbalanced ratio of men to women in politics." Spencer

"Dancing Backwards has given me an opportunity to learn about women I've never heard of before. Like Agnes Macphail and how she impacted tons of prisoners' lives for the better...and more."   Meaghan

"I now know how to make a difference in politics when I am older."   Sol

"I learned a lot about how Louise McKinney fought for the right to vote and run for office. Thank you for making me realize why having 25% women involved in politics is a problem."   Tarar

Wow...Dancing Backwards is really making a difference! And with only 11 days left of our Indiegogo campaign, it's crunch time to raise those essential funds for the continuation of this one-of-a-kind project.

Remember, ANY amount of money is helpful; If we all give a few dollars we can reach our goal as a community. And if you don't have a few dollars to spare, you can help us by spreading the word far and wide using social media, email, or yelling from the rooftops!

Great news! We've added several amazing new perks to nudge you to donate, check them out!

Don't live in Canada? Dancing Backwards is a precedent project that hopes to inspire similar curricula across the world. This is just the beginning -  your contributions and campaign sharing are essential to help us empower young women everywhere.

We really need your support to continue this project. Students, teachers and our community are loving this innovative curriculum model that brings political role models to girls and boys by telling their stories. But we can't get past the pilot phase without you and your help! Here's that link again! Dancing Backwards Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign. Thanks so much! And don't forget to check out the "Updates" section of the campaign page to find out how things are evolving.

Sandy's Been Busy

DWtO founder, Sandy Mayzell, has been dashing around working up a storm of press for Dancing Backwards! Here are some fun things to check out.

Inspiring a Girl to Vote: History Lessons do Make a Difference,  'editor's letter' by Leslie Campbell, FOCUS magazine, is a two-page editorial dedicated to women, politics, and the Dancing Backwards project.

Sandy was interviewed live on CFUV 101.9, University of Victoria's campus radio, by Liz McArthur on the Women on Air show. Click the link to listen.

Sandy was invited to co-host Shaw TV's go! Island with Karen Elgersma and was featured in four segments. They gabbed about the process of Dancing Backwards and Sandy told one of her favourite stories about a Can. political woman from history. Watch it here.

Blog With Us!

Hey you! We know you've got something to say. Why not write it down and raise your voice with us?

Are you passionate about equality, women's rights, politics, feminism? We want to hear from you.

Check out our blog page to get inspired and email us to get started.

What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, non-partisan, 8-tentacled media project inviting the
conversation about gender equality in politics, youth voter apathy and leadership.