Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)



Your Lady Politician info for the months of June and July: Thanks for your help!
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Dancing with the Octopus


Thank You!

The DWtO team would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the Indiegogo campaign. For those of you who contributed funds or sent out the good word, we are deeply grateful. We couldn't have done it without you!

Between online and offline contributions we raised a total of almost $14,000. Woohooo!

But we raised much more than money, we raised awareness.

The Dancing Backwards website is being designed and built as you read this, getting ready to kick off with student content this fall.

Volunteers Wanted! Are you interested in contributing your time to Dancing Backwards? We're putting together teams of volunteers: would you enjoy going into classrooms to present the Dancing Backwards program? Are you a wiz at grant writing, fundraising, and development?

Email us to get involved! Thanks so much.

Check it out: Sandy has been invited by Equal Voice to become one of their 100 Champions.
Like DWtO Newsletter 2013 on Facebook comment on DWtO Newsletter 2013
 Watch this amazing young woman ROCK Leadership Victoria with her slam poem!

Read about Forbes' 100 Powerful Women of 2013. Here's an overview. Here's the list (click each one to learn more about her).

Watch Jackson Katz speak about gender violence prevention, so moving and critical. Share this with everyone!

New Blog Post!

Natasha Boorman blogs about Social Stratification! Check it out.

What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, non-partisan, 8-tentacled media project inviting the
conversation about gender equality in politics, youth voter apathy and leadership.
Contact us to donate or volunteer your talents!

Copyright © 2013 Dancing with the Octopus, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you attended a DWtO event, corresponded with a member of our team, or subscribed from our website. We send one newsletter at the beginning of every month.