Entries by dancingwiththeoctopus (17)


October/November Newsletter 2013

Lucky Us!

Fundraiser, Kathleen Arnason has joined the Dancing Backwards Team.

 Kathleen is a passionate supporter, having run for political office herself in the Manitoba 2000 federal election.  She has successfully fundraised for many social cause societies, is the author of 6 books, and is a recipient of a Queen’s Jubilee Medal in Arts and Culture. Kathleen is the founder of
the World Children's Summit on Peace and Nature,
here in Victoria in the spring of 2015. 
If you wish to donate (and get a charitable tax receipt's),
please get in touch.

 Dancing Backwards Moves Forward

The 2nd group gathering of the team was held on October 15.  Members watched our updated Dancing Backwards video that includes student content and commentary watch here discussed the DB curriculum content, signed up for tasks and were introduced to new team member fundraiser, Kathleen who shared her passion for DWtO. 

Team researcher Kate Frieson facilitated a wonderful, succinct and critical exercise on defining Goals and Objectives for both Dancing Backwards as well as for the actual curriculum being designed by Johanna Lee - special thanks to Kristen Cooke for your thoughtful input.
Notice:  While Team Member Iliana Turner is heading up the French Immersion component, we are looking for a person to coordinate the 8 week Dancing Backward program in the schools for early 2014.  This person will schedule, book and administrate.  Please forward any recommendations to Sandy at sandymayzell@gmail.com.

Dancing Backwards Postcards Are Here !

DWtO long-time intern Sandi Chan has designed our latest postcards,
featuring photos of student created work, that are now in circulation.
Student Angela Eastman painted this portrait of Famous Five's Emily Murphy, coupled with a photo of a musical number performed by Colquitz Middle School students about Elizabeth May (magnifying glass insert).

Jena Hamilton's sheepish storybook about Emily Murphy.
Students at Colquitz Middle School choreographed a dance to tell the story of Mona Wilson's life and accomplishments.


Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said in her Equal Voice Eve Award speech,
You have to raise your voice and Plug your Ears!
We have to be able to tune out the people who say we can’t get there...

(quote is about 9 minutes in)  Click here to hear her speech.

What we do

Dancing with the Octopus is a passionate, entertaining, 8-tentacled media project that takes a non-partisan look at the how's and why's of getting more women into politics in Canada and abroad.


Canadian Alice Munro made history with her Nobel Prize win for literature earlier this month. Click here to read more.
Photo courtesy of the Globe and Mail

Girl Rising

October 11th was international day of the girl and to celebrate, the organization Girl Rising campaigned to screen their film on the lives of nine girls from around the world. To find an event near you or learn more, click here.
Photo courtesy of Girl Rising

This month's blog

Kathy Santini is a writer, editor, and public relations professional who is looking for another opportunity to use her skills in the international development field. Preferably one where she doesn’t need to wear a flak jacket and a helmet. Read Kathy's blog here.

Thinking about entering politics, but not ready to run as a candidate?

Women are needed to take leadership to run campaigns and that is the focus of this year’s 2103 Women’s Campaign School, hosted by Canadian Women Voters Congress . The event is Friday, November 29, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Saturday, November 30, 2013 at 6:00 PM (PST) Surrey, BC. For more info and to register click here.  
Photo Courtesy of CWVC

DB Goals and Objectives

We're busy doing the intense work that will carry Dancing Backwards onto a national platform - thanks to team members Sarah King, Kate Frieson, Kristen Cooke, Iliana Turner, Johanna Lee for pitching in on Goals and Objectives, budget and all that's needed to prep for the next phase of the Pilot Program that will see the participation of the rest of our team. 
Copyright © 2013 DWtO, All rights reserved.
Contact us
to donate or volunteer your talents!